Satisfy your hunger for ritual

Experience beauty in each moment

You’re invited to something deeply inspiring and meaningful. An experience that will pull you fully into the present moment and open your heart to the beauty within.

Rites of Passage

There are important milestones in life that pass all too quickly if we aren’t paying attention. These rites of passage ceremonies acknowledge the importance of these milestones. From conception to menopause and even into death, we take time to foster a sense of what it means to be human. Together, we’ll bring meaning and ceremony to be connected and grounded and bring deeper vision and meaning to some of life’s most important experiences.

Half and Full Day Intensives

There are natural cycles that accompany our day-to-day lived experience. We might be aware of them, or they might slip by unnoticed. These intensives allow you to pause and pay attention; to celebrate, to heal and to work on things in the every day of your life.


Retreats are a time where we get to transform and make some magic! This is your time to experience doing your work in a different way. It’s how you learn what it really looks like to Rewrite the Mother Code™ and live life by your design, becoming the most authentic you, you can be.

Be met where you are

You might not be sure exactly what you need and that’s okay. Let’s take some time to get to know one another and then I can recommend which path might be best for you.

Join us!

I’d love to have you as a part of my community. Follow me on socials and join the journey of embodying mother energy with me.

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